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Chemistry ‘N’ and ‘O’ Level

Our Student (Darius, Sec 4 from SJI) who did chemistry tuition with us! He improved from F9 to A2 for his Chemistry! Join us today if you wish to see improvement in your results.

Sec 3 to Sec 5, N Level & O Level Chemistry Tuition in Yishun
Chem tuition in Yishun/ Chemistry tuition Centre / Chemistry Tuition in Sengkang / Chemistry Tuition in Hougang

Memorising Chemistry yet it does not seem to bring you good results?

Gone are the good old days where memorising chemistry facts and concepts can get you an ‘A’ for examinations. With the ever changing MOE syllabus, coupled with the type of chemistry examinations being tested that have evolved over the years, it requires MORE THAN JUST MEMORISING to score for exams.

Are you one of those students who has been advised to drop from Pure Chem to Science (Chem) or asked to take a re-examination?

Dropping from Pure Chemistry to Science (Chemistry) will lower your chances of scoring more A’s in your examination. Furthermore, you have one less subject that you can use to compute into your L1R5/ ELR2B2!

If you decide to go to Junior College and take the JC route, you will struggle in JC if you take up Chemistry at A levels without any background knowledge of Pure Chemistry at O levels!


Over the years, we have helped countless students, who join us for O level tuition to pass their re-examination so that they can continue to take Pure Chemistry subject and need not drop to Science(Chemistry).

We have even also helped students from Raffles Institution under the Integrated Programme, who join us for Chemistry Tuition, to pass their re-examination just so that they can take Chemistry at A levels!

What can students expect from the Chemistry tuition in Yishun and Chemistry tuition in Sengkang at EduFirst?

Systematic Teaching Methodology:

  1. Concise key notes for each topic will be given to students during Chemistry Tuition Lessons
  2. Keywords, which are essential to scoring marks in the O level and N level examinations, will be specially highlighted to students during Chemistry O level Tuition/ N level tuition Lessons
  3. Worksheets are paced progressively, eventually preparing our students to meet the demands of the N or O level examinations
  4. Commonly made mistakes and traps set by examiners are also highlighted to students so that they are aware and can avoid


What differentiates EduFirst from the rest of the other chemistry tuition centres?

In order to fulfill the demands of the ‘N’ and ‘O’ Level chemistry syllabus, our chemistry tutors for N level tuition and O level tuition will equip our students who are taking up our chemistry tuition in Yishun or Chemistry tuition in Sengkang WITH
1) Knowledge with Understanding
2) Handling Information and Solving Problems
3) Experimental Skills and Investigations

Most importantly, the worksheets and materials used by EduFirst are of the LATEST syllabus. The teachings will be highly exam-focused, with special attention paid to developing skills and techniques to tackle the difficult questions.

Chemistry tutors at EduFirst will teach your child the right SKILLS and TECHNIQUES to tackle the challenging and demanding exam questions, while your child is having chemistry tuition in Yishun and chemistry tuition in Sengkang

  1. Tailored. customised lessons and worksheets tailored to your child’s learning pace
  2. Well structured worksheets and materials that follows closely with the new Chemistry syllabus
  3. Small group size (4-8 students) to ensure that your child gets attention from the Chemistry tutor
  4. Individualised coaching to target your child’s weaknesses

Curious Chemistry in Everyday life

Chemistry is a curious subject which allures teachers and students at the same time.  Students love to know the science behind every reaction and teachers loves to see those curious filled little children around buzzing with scintillating interest in the subject.

We know how to make subject highly attractive and memorable without asking students by memorise the subject.  Gone are those  days of traditional methods of learning.  New wave of learning is introduced by the teachers at the Centre which makes students involved in the subject. It involves explanation of daily situations using Chemistry to explain. Students belonging to the Sec 3, Sec 5, N level and O level tuition at EduFirst will benefit greatly since they are guided by the experienced teachers at the Centre.  Chemistry Tuition Centre in Sengkang teaches students the essence of subject, in a clear and succint manner.

Motivating students to know the essence of subject has undoubtedly lead them to understand the subject with much interest.  When they understand the subject, there is no need to ask them by memorise answers. It is easy for students know the answers to all questions since they have understood the concepts and reasons behind the chemical reactions.

So, students forget about memorizing.  Parents feel peace and rest when you admit your children at the Centre for N Level Tuition.

At our O Level Tuition” for chemistry, we know the importance of scoring A. We know how to make your students become expert in science subjects effortlessly. If your child wishes to go through the JC route then you are at correct place.  Your child need not give up the subject because you feel it as tough to crack the exams.  Pure chemistry is now fun filled subject and it has been turned out into interesting subject with the right methods of teaching which can help your child to understand the subject effortlessly.  That is our secret of success! Our sucess stories have proven our strong expertise in teaching this subject.

See what our parents and students have to say…


Why Wait? Call Us Now at 9106-7716 to find out how our students, Eunice & Olivia, can see such a great jump in their Chemistry grades after having Chemistry tuition with us! Join us for a TRIAL class today!

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